The series remained dormant for over a decade.
In 2021, a new painting for the series was made. A lot had already changed in my work. I had begun to paint in handcrafted paper, mastered solvent-based transfer using vinyl solvent and the image of honeybee drones had come to represent paternal absence. My nephews had already been born and the picture of one of them walking naked under the sun in a secluded place during the years of the COVID pandemic reminded me of the kids in my dream. The gathering of all these elements (the naked boy, paternal absence represented by drones and the composition of the precious painting) gave rise do Where have all the Fathers gone? IV.

Where have all the Fathers gone? IV
April 2021
Dry pastel and solvent transfer on handcrafted paper
46 x 35 cm
[Donated to the Foundation for Arts and Culture of Ilhabela]
In August that year, the painting was showcased at the Ilhabela Salon, where it got the Waldemar Belisario Trophy, the highest award in the Salon, and was incorporated to the collection of the Foundation for a Arts and Culture of Ilhabela.