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Where have all the Fathers gone? III


The third iteration in the Where have all the Fathers gone? series was made still in 2010, having already read Robert Bly and being more aware of what I wanted to express. It was all about this sense of a gap. The longing for a rite of passage into adulthood. Having mastered thinner-based transference, I took an image of a random boy off the internet to create a composition where he held a toy gun in a childish grip, while being juxtaposed by the cold and logical exploded-view drawing of a real revolver. The image spoke a lot to me. Of paternal absence and of a masculinity that was defined by its capacity to use tools and perpetrate violence.

It also continued my experiments with solvent transfers, testing the interaction with acrylic paint. For here on, transference would become a fundamental part of my production, featured in the majority of my works, with the intention of defining a personal style.


Where have all the Fathers gone? III


Acrylic and solvent transfer on canvas

80 x 87 cm


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