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Huis Clos - Nydia Lícia, Sérgio Cardoso & Cacilda Becker


Second piece based on the Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia. Each canvas illustrates at least one actress, one director and one play.

Nydia Lícia, Sergio Cardoso and Cacilda Becker played Stelle, Garcin and Ines respectively in the 1950 adaptation of Jean Paul Sartre's Huis Clos, directed by Adolfo Celi. The Brazilian version of the play was put together six years after the premiere of the play in Paris and the existentialism illustrated by Sartre on the text hadn't yet arrived in Brazil. The montage raised controversy in São Paulo, being censored by both the Comunist Party and the Catholic Church, and could only go on after its actors got the authorization of their personal confessors to carry on with the show.(source).

Once again, I transfered parts of the play's original programmme onto the canvas by using the paint thinner method. There are many details that reference specific moments of the play. And even a text, also part of the programme, explaining about the Nick Bar: the meeting place of TBC artists that opened at the time of the play and was held by French existentialist singer Juliette Grecco as being more existentialist than anything in France.

Huis Clos - Nydia Lícia, Sérgio Cardoso & Cacilda Becker

December 2009

Oil and solvent transfer on canvas

80 x 100 cm

Click to see details of the transfers:


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