My experience with painting begins with the attempt to visually capture a feeling, a moment. It has to do with memories of teenage, of languishing in sunny afternoons when the sun would come through the windows and draw shapes on the walls. It has to do with childhood memories of also languishing on the living room carpet while I watched cartoons. And it has to do with the evolution of that comfy feeling of laziness into a more sensual perception of the body. At the time of my 18 years of age, all I could do was to amalgamate these feelings with other figures that were my objects of desire, like these girls who scribbled private notes on their diaries. Essentially, these paintings are about growing up, maturing. A process I was undergoing at the time as well.
In order to get the lighting effects, I had to experimento with oil paint for the first time. The acrylics I was being taught to use by Percival Tirapeli wouldn't allow me to reach, in those initial levels of technique, the necessary gradients to illustrate those lighting effects.